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Kонкурс талантов в 93 году (поиски вокалиста для JP)
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Author:  Blackmaster [ 11 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject:  Kонкурс талантов в 93 году (поиски вокалиста для JP)

German wrote:
Знакомясь с творчеством Молчаливой Силы, вдруг обнаружил еще один альбомчик с пристовской песенкой.

Очень близко к тексту коверок получился. Зато с высоким вокалом и клавишным солячком почти посередке.

из энциклопедии Рок-Сити:
"В поисках настоящей серьезной работы DC Cooper даже выбился в финал конкурса на замещение Роба Хэлфорда (Rob Halford) в JUDAS PRIEST, правда, так и не одержал победу. Вместо этого он принял предложение от датской группы ROYAL HUNT, к которой присоединился в самые первые дни 1995 года - менее, чем за месяц до отъезда их в Японию на гастроли!"

Сейчас он вокалирует в группе Silent Force
Ге, почему до сих пор в этой теме ничего нет про конкурс талантов, устроенный в 93 году, на замещение должности вокалиста в JUDAS PRIEST?

Author:  Blackmaster [ 11 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

German wrote:
Blackmaster wrote:
Ге, почему до сих пор в этой теме ничего нет про конкурс талантов, устроенный в 93 году, на замещение должности вокалиста в JUDAS PRIEST?

Вот тебе и предлагается её создать!

к сожалению, я про это дело знаю урывками, из истории других групп и их вокалистов.
К примеру, знаю, что в финал конкурса вышли ДС Купер из Royal Hunt и Ральф Шипперс из Gamma Ray. Последний ради этого дела, говорят, оставил группу Кая Хансена.
Вот и все мои знания по этому вопросу :-(

Хотелось бы от кого-нибудь узнать подробности
зы может на досуге сам поищу

Author:  Blackmaster [ 11 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Вот, что пока нашел в сети, на русском языке:

вот эта выдержка похоже из журнала Alive:
Пока общественность гадала, на сколько градусов съехала творческая планка Halford’а, являются ли ремиксы с “Mutations” свидетельством отхода Rob’а от металла, или это лишь невинная шалость его разыгравшегося творческого эго, приближенные к Judas Priest особы стали распространять слухи о том, кто займет место дезертировавшего с передовой “бойца”. Среди прочих назывались имена Jo Belladonna’ы, незадолго до этого покинувшего “Anthrax”, D. C. Cooper’а, Ralf’а Schaffer’а и даже Bruce’a Dickinson’a. Однако среди наиболее возможных кандидатов звучало имя Тони Миллса из бирмингемской команды “Shy”. Сумятицу во всю эту эпопею, принявшую воистину мыльно-сериальный размах, вносил и сам Rob, который вскоре после окончания турне в поддержку второго студийного альбома Fight принялся выражать в интервью надежду на свое скорое возвращение в родные пенаты.
Однако все точки над “ё” поставил журнал “Kerrang”, получивший из рук трех оставшихся участников Judas Priest официальное заявление группы. Суть этого документа была аналогична морали старой поговорки об алкоголике, которому уже поздно пить “Боржоми”. В своем официальном заявлении Judas Priest обещали своим поклонникам выпустить в следующем году новый студийный альбом, не забыв упомянуть о том, что “м-р Halford не будет принимать участие в работе над пластинкой”.

а вот это из одного интервью самого Ральфа Шипперса:
"Что ты думаешь по поводу нового Judas Priest?

Без коментариев. (смеется) Я больше не могу слушать новые вещи – не из-за вокалиста, а из-за изменения музыкального стиля. Это только мое мнение. Риппер великолепный вокалист. Я видел его в прошлом году. Мы 3 или 4 раза играли вместе на фестивалях. Он великий вокалист. Не на что жаловаться. Меня сильно разочаровала смена стиля, как бывшего поклонника Judas Priest. Мне очень нравятся более старые вещи.

Тебе понравился 'Jugulator'?

Не особо.

Ты ведь пробовал попасть в Judas Priest, верно?

Я не пытался, я просто вступил в контакт, послал свои вещи. Я получил письма в которых говорилось, что им понравились мои темы и что я попал в усеченный список. Я получил обещания от менеджера Прист Джейн Эндрюс, меня должны были пригласить, но ничего не получилось. Я прождал 2,5 года, и под конец, я потерял терпение. Наверно, я звонил ей слишком часто! (смеется)"

а вот это цитата с англицкой страничкиhttp://www.funtrivia.com/en/Music/Judas-Priest-1754.html:

Tim 'Ripper' Owens bested Ralf Scheepers, DC Cooper and former
ACCEPT frontman David Reece for the job in Priest.

выходит там еще и вокалист Accept пробовался :shock:
ps Ге, если не сложно, смодерируй отдельную тему.

Author:  Марко [ 19 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Кусочек интервью взятый с сайта Fight Right из журнала “Metal Hammer”№2, (Гегмания), февраль1995г."

Matthew Honey: Мы обнаружили, что у половины групп, у которых мы брали интервью, вокалист проходил прослушивание на это место!

Ken Key Downing: Да, так оно и было, мы прослушали тысячу кандидатов, в том числе и несколько девчонок, веришь, нет. Один парень был из России.

Author:  Марко [ 20 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Еще один фрагментик интервью взятый с сайта Fight Right из журнала “Журнал “Rock Hard”№105, (Германия), февраль 1996г."

Glenn Tipton: Таким образом, через 3 недели мы идем в студию, и месяц спустя уже будем тестировать кандидатов на место певца посредством нескольких новых и старых различных песен. На данный момент я еще не могу сказать, кто конкретно это будет, потому что многие певцы под вопросом, – но может быть, в течение двух месяцев мы тебе кого-нибудь представим...”

Gotz Kuhnemund: Тогда я просто назову тебе пару имен, пришедших мне сейчас в голову, в последнее время их приходилось слышать: например Mike Howe из “Metal Church”...

“Один из них”

Ralf Scheepers?

“Да, мы в контакте с Ralf’ом. Но есть еще и другие кандидаты.

Jeff Martin из “Racer X”?

(Смеется) “Нет, даже не обсуждался”.

Тогда, может быть, Rob Halford?

(Все еще смеется) “Нет, определенно, нет!”

Действительно нет?

“Нет, действительно нет. В конце концов, для меня лично даже хорошо, что Rob покинул группу. Это меня тревожило, и за последние 3 года я стал продуктивнее, чем когда-либо раньше. Возможно это верный путь для Judas Priest. Ken и я в любом случае на сто процентов уверены в новом материале, и нас радует, что теперь в группу привнесена свежая кровь. Что касается наших фэнов, то мы думаем, что новые песни – это как раз то, что они хотят от нас услышать. В любом случае я могу обещать, что мы абсолютно восхищены новыми вещами!”

Author:  German [ 20 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

А вот этот фрагментик интервью взятый с сайта Fight Right из журнала “Metal Hammer”, (Англия), июнь 1996г.", демонстрирует, хе-хе, кто не принимал участие в конкурсе:

Dave Ling: Ripper Owens, который заменил Halford’а, был найден американской ковер группе Judas Priest, но, принимая во внимание огромное влияние Judas Priest на поколение теперь уже знаменитых групп, не могли бы вы найти кого-то более известного?

Glenn: Могли. Несколько известных имен обращались за работой, но мы отклонили все предложения, т.к. все эти люди были безголосыми. Было бы нечестно называть имена, но среди них не было Jon’a Bon Jovi.”

Author:  Scatterbrain [ 21 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Мдя, Шипперса всё время жаба давит, что его в ДЖП так и не позвали. И поделом. Потому что не фих было в Tyran' Pace так сильно копировать Роба.
Гад, я из-за него пару лет мучался, думал, что два первых альбома TP это какие-то упущенные мной релизы Пристов :oops: :x
А вообще, интересно было бы услышать пристовские песни в исполнении Ральфа. Ведь есть такие каверочки, а?

Author:  German [ 23 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Вот нашел еще одно имя участника на замещение должности Роба:
Как утверждает непроверенный источник на финишной прямой его обошел Тим:
...and the same man who was very close to becoming the Rob Halford replacement in Judas Priest (outrun in the last stage by Tim "Ripper" Owens

Author:  EG Power [ 23 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Я только эти знаю кавера c Шееперсом:
Gamma Ray - Exciter
Primal Fear - Metal Gods

Author:  aziel [ 23 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

читал- Присты приглашали Дэвина Таунсенда из SYL, но получили отказ а жаль, судя по каверам в его исполнении могла получится бомба

Author:  Again And Again [ 23 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

На мой взгляд Шипперс был бы идеальной заменой

Author:  Night Crawler [ 23 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Again And Again

Ага! Я тож так думаю=)))

Author:  Again And Again [ 23 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Night Crawler
Не знаю почему не взяли, думаю наверно из-за смены стилистики, если бы записали второй painkiller то Ральф подощел бы стопудово, но могли бы поднять вой в прессе, типа клон, суррогат и тд, потому и решили сменить звучание

Author:  Night Crawler [ 23 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Again And Again

Незнаю. Всё же у Ральфа голос звонче и тембр тоже другой и при этом уникальный. Роб и Ральф мои любимые вокалисты. Делят первое место=))) Оба они у меня на первом месте=))) Каждый уникален и в чём то лучше другово. С Шиперсом реально круто былобы. Хотя есть минус. Небыло бы Праймалов и кучи офигенных песен(((= Но зато был бы концертник с крутейшей Метал Мелтдаун и Найт Краулера он бы спел как Роб или лучше=))) :true:

Author:  Again And Again [ 23 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Night Crawler wrote:
Небыло бы Праймалов

Ну это бы я пережил, главное что Tyran' Pace есть:)

Author:  Night Crawler [ 23 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Again And Again

А я нет. Праймалы моя любимая группа после Пристов. Музон офигеннейший. А ранинг ин зе даст и Тиарс оф рейдж или Батэлионс оф Хейт. Или Бек Фром Хедд Андер ё Спел и в конце рконцов Севен Силс и Файтинг Зе Даркнес. Таких хитов бы небыло(((=

Author:  Again And Again [ 23 Nov 2008 ]
Post subject: 

Night Crawler
Я к Primal fear достаточно равнодушен, записал в том году все студийники, один раз прослушал и больше не трогал..счас вот винт забит под завязку, могу и удалить..

Author:  Everhard [ 23 Nov 2014 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kонкурс талантов в 93 году (поиски вокалиста для JP)

Некропост! :benya:
Недавно общались на эту тему с Ондрюшой, пущай тут ссылка будет: http://www.thexquorum.com/mad/JUGULATOR.html

Author:  Scatterbrain [ 23 Nov 2014 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kонкурс талантов в 93 году (поиски вокалиста для JP)


Заскриню :dance:


Author:  Everhard [ 23 Nov 2014 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kонкурс талантов в 93 году (поиски вокалиста для JP)

Там проблемы с отображением текста, посему:
jp_infopage | +
1994-1995: Vocalist candidates selected - the "short-list"

DISCLAIMER: Non of the singers listed here have ever been revealed nor confirmed by Judas Priest or Trinifold Management to have made their short-list. These following stories were personally shared by the candidates themselves...

"We never told anyone who was on the original short list - not even the people who were on it!! We don't intend to give out the names at this stage either!
"I verbally told a few people that when we came to making a short list they would be on it, but we never officially made any dates for auditions or whatever or made an 'official' short list - we knew which people we thought would be possibles, but still the band were not convinced that they had their 'man' - that's why we didn't hold any auditions - great singers but just not quite right for Judas Priest..."

- Jayne Andrews, Management Co-ordinator, August 15 and September 2, 2003

"We do have some people in mind. We're especially looking for someone with a unique, strong character, who can of course sing the old stuff. But almost more importantly, we're taking a look at who we can get along with - someone we'll feel comfortable around when we're on the bus during a long tour. We don't want any reoccurrences of what has happened in the past. Since we're not under any pressures, financial or otherwise, we're able to take our time and make sure that everything is right. It's like a breath of fresh air, being able to work this way. We're starting a new chapter of Judas Priest, and we're all so positive about it. The energy we've built up is tremendous, and I think the fans are going to love the new Judas Priest."

- Glenn Tipton, Memoirs of an Invisible Man, 1996

"There were a lot of good singers who would have been willing to join the band, but then it would have been the amalgamation of two bands and we always wanted it to remain uniquely Judas Priest."

- K.K. Downing, BayInsider, July 2004

"I remember Glenn said in interview, when asked if there were any famous singers hunting for Rob's place, 'I'm not saying any names, but Bon Jovi wasn't one of them'."

- Fan report

When Rob Halford shocked the metal community by announcing his departure from Judas Priest, many aspiring vocalists of all types, known and unknown, male and female, talented and untalented - thousands from around the world, applied for the coveted throne of the Metal God. By 1994, the list had been narrowed to 30 good possibles and writing of a new album was under way. A audition was planned early in the year, but work on Glenn's solo album caused it to never take place.

"Due to various other commitments the band have, including Glenn Tipton working on his solo album, we have had to put the auditions off until later on in the year..."

- Jayne Andrews, Management Co-ordinator for Judas Priest, February 4, 1994
By the end of 1995, the list was narrowed down again to what Glenn Tipton referred to as a "short-list" of 5-10 finalists and letters were sent informing the remaining candidates of their status.

In 1996, Century Media released the album Legends Of Metal, A Tribute To Judas Priest Volume 1. Glenn Tipton has also claimed this to be the best tribute album made to Priest, and he even considered several of the album's vocalists as possible candidates.

Here now are the candidates and their stories, though neither Priest nor their management will confirm these:

Ralf Scheepers (ex-Tyran Pace, ex-Gamma Ray, Primal Fear)
http://www.metal-archives.com/artists/R ... epers/2362

Arguably the best choice to fill Rob Halford's shoes might have been Ralf Scheepers, formerly of Gamma Ray, now in Primal Fear. He has a look somewhat like Rob's from the Painkiller era and he can hit the high notes almost identical to Rob. But as history reveals, it was by last minute chance that Tim Owens was discovered, and he fit the bill for what Judas Priest were looking for in their second coming. Here are the thoughts and quotes of Ralf Scheepers and Glenn Tipton concerning Ralf's application to the band:

"I never had auditions for Judas Priest. I had promises in my bag in which their management said I would be invited. It never ever happened. Glenn Tipton was doing his solo stuff and I had to keep waiting and they said I was one of the top-of-the-list guys. All these promises that I was going to be invited and one beautiful day a letter came in which said that they found their man, Tim Owens. They did say my vocal abilities stood out, but I mean, I couldn't do anything with that! It was a big disappointment...
"I don't like Priest's new style so much. Of course Priest always had aggression going on, but to me it isn't progression because this kind of thing was done by Pantera. I didn't like the new album so much, so I'm very happy to be with Primal Fear."

- Ralf Scheepers, Lamentations Of The Flame Weekly #4, 1999

"I knew for one year already that Rob Halford left Judas Priest, but I didn't do an application, so far as I never thought they would ever take me. But then Edgar, my former bandmate from Tyran Pace called me up and gave me the phone number for the personal manager of Priest, Mrs. Jayne Andrews. She said that I should send some material, so I did, sending three albums of Gamma Ray and the live video from Japan [HEADING FOR THE EAST]. After one month, a letter came in saying that the band like the way I am singing so they put me on the short list... Oh my God - what a long short list!!! After several promises like, 'I promise you right now that you are definitely going to be invited to do an audition', it never happened!!! I didn't even have contact to one of the band members - nothing. Just waiting... Rehearsing Judas Priest songs with some friends of my hometown... Waiting... Singing Priest songs two-and-a-half hours every other day...Waiting... Getting promises... Waiting for Glenn Tipton's solo album... Promises... Waiting... This whole process was taking two-and-a-half years of my precious time as I couldn't join another band (and there were many offers), but what should you do if you're waiting for an audition for one of the top heavy metal bands in the world? You cant just team up with some hungry musicians to create a new band... Then another letter came in:

I am very sorry to have to inform you that we will not be holding any auditions for the position of vocalist for Judas Priest as the band have found their man. We had always intended to audition as I told you, but this singer came totally out of the blue and is everything the band were looking for, so they do not feel the need to try anyone else out. The band send their apologies and thank you for being so patient. They know it's no consolation, but they would like you to know that out of the thousands of applicants we received, your vocal abilities stood out and you were amongst the final ten who they felt had something special. Once again, we are very sorry about this, but wish you luck for the future.
Best wishes,

"WOW!!! What a hammer of disappointment!!!! I had no more Gamma Ray, I had no Judas Priest , I had nothing... Just sitting in a black hole of disappointment!!!"

- Ralf Scheepers, Steel Eagle Online

"Well, at the time when myself and Gamma Ray parted company, I still had my application for the job of the new vocalist in Judas Priest running. I prepared myself intensively for a possible date to audition. Together with some of my friends from the Esslingen area, I rehearsed a set of almost two hours that only consisted of Judas Priest songs. We formed the Judas Priest cover band 'Just Priest' , and we also played a few local gigs from time to time. In the end I made it into a selection of the top five vocalist for the job in Judas Priest, but then it didn’t work ultimately. As a guest musician I did some vocals for the power metal band Scanner, for the solo album of Roland Grapow and also for the Gamma Ray 1996 contribution on A TRIBUTE TO JUDAS PRIEST: LEGENDS OF METAL - VOLUME II...
"Just Priest was actually the basic step on the way to the formation of Primal Fear. We had this one particular gig with Just Priest one day. Unfortunately however, our guitarist was getting married that some day. As I didn’t know yet what was going to happen with the job of the new singer with Judas Priest, I absolutely didn’t want to cancel that gig. So I phoned Tom Naumann, the guitarist from Sinner and asked him if he was off and if he would like to help out and play the gig with us. As soon as he had said that he was going to help out, also our bass player said that he wouldn’t want to play the gig because he was the best friend of our guitarist, and so didn’t want to miss the marriage. His replacement was none other than Mat Sinner himself. Mat was very enthusiastic after our show that he asked me if I would like to sing the choirs on his new album JUDGMENT DAYS he was working on at that time. During that collaboration the idea and also the wish came up to carry on and work together in the future as well. And so Primal Fear was born..."

- Ralf Scheepers, Out Of The Black Hole, 1997

"What actually happened, and I honestly say Ralf Scheepers is a great singer - he’s very, very good, but we had over a thousand applicants. When we put the word out, knowns, unknowns, famous guys, un-famous guys, people from every corner of the earth responded. We cut that down to a short list of thirty guys. Phenomenal, every one of them. Twenty-five to thirty guys, all fantastic singers. We were to be ready to go in March, and in February, Scott Travis came over, the drummer, and he threw a video on the table and said, 'Check this guy out.' So we put the video in, and I’ve never been so shocked in my life. We knew this guy was special, this guy we were looking at, which was Tim Owens. So we finally called him up, and he said, 'Is this for real?' He said, 'Fly me over to England and I’ll sing any Priest song you want.' So we did. We flew him over two days later. He came in on Saturday morning, and he was tired, jet legged, so I told him to get some sleep. Everyone knows this story, I think, and he said, 'Do you really think I can sleep waiting to do a Priest audition?' So we said, 'Alright. We get your point. There’s the mic. Show us what you can do.' He just went at it. He sang the first verse of 'Victim Of Changes', and we stopped the tape. I looked at K.K. and K.K. looked at me, and we knew that without any shadow of a doubt, we had our man. It was the most unbelievable experience for us, and you know what we’ve been through in our time. We knew we had our man. And he said, 'Can I finish the song?' We said, 'Yeah.' He sung the rest, and then he sung 'The Ripper'. And that was just so phenomenal, we started calling him 'Ripper' Owens, you know. That’s where he got the nickname from. It was incredible. But the most incredible thing was, we went down to the pub after, and we all sat around, and it was like he had been with us all our lives. That was the thing that really sealed it for us. We didn’t ever want to be without a singer again, so we wanted to find someone not only with incredible vocal ability, but also someone who felt like he had always been with us. We felt like we got the man in one fell swoop, and it was a strange sensation because Priest has never really had any luck. We’ve always had to make our own, and this was our piece of luck, finding this guy. No one else on the planet could be more appropriate. When you hear the new album, I think you'll agree."

- Glenn Tipton, Heavy Metal at the Mining Company, October 3, 1997

Rumors made the rounds that Ralf was not chosen because he was German, but that accusation was unfounded:

"Nationality never entered in our minds. I mean, when we were looking for a vocalist, there’s all kinds of people that cropped up: People from Rumania, people from Greece, Czechoslovakia, Germany. We never thought, Oh, no, he’s no good; he’s from Rumania, or whatever. We just listened and thought, Can he cut the mustard with us?"

- Ian Hill, Prime-Choice, January 21, 1998

D.C. Cooper (Royal Hunt, Silent Force)

"I had achieved some recognition in Europe because I was one of the final vocalists for the Judas Priest lead singer job."

- D.C. Cooper, Ram.org, January 13, 1998

"I was one of the final four. As a matter of fact, none of the four singers got the job either.
"Actually how it all took place... At the time, my management company was CMI, out of New York City. I was up there shopping around my local band from Pittsburgh; that's when I was still just green around the gills. But I had been working in the business for a couple of years with local stuff. And we had a pretty good album we were out there shopping around. And Hernando Courtright was the one who pulled me aside and said, 'Have you ever thought about shopping yourself around?' And I said, 'No, not really. Why? What did you have in mind?' He was the manager of Tom Allom, Judas Priest's producer for quite a few years. And he said, 'Well, Judas Priest is looking for a new singer, what do you think about that?' 'Yeah. Ok.', and I sent some stuff off. And that's how stuff got started. And through the process, because it had taken like two years from the time I sent in the first tapes and photos until I received the phone call for the audition, well after about a year I started getting phone calls. My name started popping up, where people had been hearing that I was becoming a ranking person for the replacement of Halford. And that started an industry buzz, 'Hey, a singer from Pittsburgh's available'. And then I was contacted by several different bands from around the world. There was one from Finland, one from Germany... and then I got this tape from Royal Hunt from Copenhagen. And that's who I decided to go with - to check out.
"...I had studied and worked on my voice for so long to be able to sing like Geoff Tate and Rob Halford. I really, really worked hard, and there was no room for it in the U.S. anymore. And that's why I started checking things out Internationally.
"...I mean, I was already in Royal Hunt, and I probably would've stayed in Royal Hunt even if offered the position with Judas Priest. But it was the highlight of my career to get to go audition and walk into a room with K.K. Downing and Glenn Tipton. It was just absolutely amazing. Scott Travis was drumming at the time."

- D.C. Cooper, Souls Of Chaos

Tim Lachman (Gargoyle, State Of The Art, and Eleventh Hour)

Tim meets his hero
backstage in 2001

Tim is the brother of Halford's former guitarist Patrick Lachman.

"I got a call in the mid '90s from my good friend Swiss Cris of Rock Hard, informing me that Priest was looking for a new front man. I was jamming around Los Angeles at the time in different projects, keeping busy, etc. I sent a package to their manager, Jayne Andrews. A few weeks later she called and said, 'I work with Judas Priest, can I ask you a question - Do you have a lot of Tattoos?'
I was thrown, but told her, 'Only one, slightly visible.' She told me that was good, as she had received numerous press kits w/ guys who had gone out and copied Rob's tats exactly, and even tried to look exactly like him. We had a good laugh about that one!
"Anyway, she informed me they had narrowed their search, and I was definitely in the running, so stand-by in the next few weeks. A couple of weeks later I get a call: 'Is Tim There?' 'This is Tim'. 'Tim, this is Glenn Tipton with Judas Priest, and I'm here in LA, are you busy today?' Long Pause............I'm thinking is this a joke? 'Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no I'm not busy!' He says. 'Good, I'm here in ______ studio, with a friend of yours, Ken Van Drutten (Kid Rock, Kiss, et al). I guess you know where it is?' 'Yeah, I'll be down in an hour?' He says, 'Cool!'
"I'm in shock, especially after realizing I sound like Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, Beavis on the damn phone... I'm flying down to this studio around 150 mph, head spinning and thinking this is fate. My friend Ken is working with Glenn on his solo project. (Ken, consequently engineered my band State of the Art's demo, that I had sent to Jayne Andrews). Ken is chatting with Glenn about me and pumping me up to him.
"I arrive at the studio, and Glenn is sitting at the recording console. He walks up, smiles and says, 'Nice to meet you!' Very cordial, very down to earth. He played me some stuff, and we talked about the Rob situation and the future of Priest, my career, and his goals. I had to ask, 'What happened with Rob?' Glenn says very simply: 'His manager.' That is the only reason Rob Halford is no longer in Judas Priest. 'Nuff said. We hung out most of the day, and then we wrapped it up. He said, 'You have one of the best voices I have heard, and it's basically between you and two other dudes. We will fly you out to the UK soon, we'll hang out and Jam.' In parting, I say (very cocky), 'Listen: Glenn, I don't want to be a Rob clone. I have my own style, and when you guys hear me sing with you- I Will Be Your New Singer!!!'
"I still haven't learned to keep my big mouth shut! Oh well. He nods and says, 'Good, we don't want another Rob. We want someone with their own vibe, that we can be on a tour bus with, and is confident, but no crazy egos.'
"I'm driving home and Ken calls me on the cell and says Glenn was excited, and was talking with the other producer that was there also, about our meeting. I'm nutted up thinking privately, 'I fucking got it! I'm in!' I start getting calls from people saying, 'Dude, congrats! We hear you're the new singer of Judas Priest!' I'm like, 'What did you hear?' 'Some guy named Tim'... Absolute Craziness.
"A couple of industry people told me K.K. and Ian wanted me, and Glenn was undecided, but who knows? A few weeks later I got the same form letter the other dudes got saying Judas Priest has found their man, they're calling off the auditions, blah, blah, blah,..
That was a bizarre feeling but that's the Biz! Hurry up and wait, then see ya...close call. It was a cool opportunity none the less!
"Years later, Swiss Cris hooks up my brother Patrick with Halford! One night, about a year and a half ago, I'm having dinner with Pat, Rob, and the Halford band. Definitely one of the Highlights of my life! Anyway, Pat says to Rob, 'Tim almost sang for Judas Priest' Rob looks at me and says, 'Isn't that fucking weird?' Indeed! It is always nerve-racking to hang out with one of your idols. You sometimes are disappointed, but in this case I was on a high. Whenever I see Rob, or speak to him on the phone (when he calls for my brother, he always chats for a few, and asks how my projects are) - he is a class act, a true gentleman. The Metal God!
Well, shortly after that, a mutual friend of mine and George Clooney, informs me George is producing a movie called ROCK STAR. It is loosely based on the story of the kid who got the Priest Gig! You gotta love that!!"

- Tim Lachman, 2003

David Reece (Dare Force, Beowulf, Lillian X, Accept, Bangalore Choir, Sircle Of Silence)

"It sounded good, but you have to understand that it’s really hard being a replacement, coming in after someone else,”

- David Reese, Classic Rock Revisited

"I remember reading on the internet that David Reese said on stage that he was the new singer in Priest and showed some people a contract that said something like he wasn't allowed to sign with a record company and/or join a signed band for some time."

- Fan Report

Anthony (Tony) O' Hara (Praying Mantis, Horakane)
http://www.metal-archives.com/artists/T ... Hora/25793

Tony is best known as the singer for Praying Mantis, which also includes former Iron Maiden guitarist Dennis Stratton.

"I was very late in applying for the Priest gig as I'd heard rumors that Ralph Scheepers had it sewn up. However, in January 1994 I noticed in Kerrang! that a few more names were being bandied about - one of them being a friend of mine, Tony Mills. I knew it was very late in the day but I sent a package to Trinifold and two days later received a phone call from Jayne Andrews. Jayne said that the band were really excited having heard my tapes and even more so that I was relatively unknown. Would I be available to come to Birmingham for a week with the band as I was now top of the shortlist? I obviously said, 'Yes' and Jayne was to phone me the following day. I was actually shaking in disbelief when I hung up the phone. Next day - no phone call. Day after - no phone call. I telephone Jayne at home and she tells me that something had come up and Glenn would be working on his solo album but I was definitely going to have an audition. I told her, 'Anytime, anyplace, at the band's convenience - I'll be ready'. Okay, I'm a bit disappointed but at least I will get my chance to prove myself. Then a letter arrived:

February 4th, 1994
Dear Tony, re: JUDAS PRIEST

Due to various other commitments the band have, including Glenn Tipton working on his solo album, we have had to put the auditions off until later on in the year. As soon as we arrange a definite time, I will let you know and hope you'll be able to make it. Best regards,

"I had to phone Jayne every few weeks to try and get an update on the situation. She assured me that the auditions would be soon and I was still one of the favorites. At the time I was spending 2-3 hours a day hammering out Priest vocals and had my voice at its very best. By November I was almost ready to burst with anger and frustration when I received a letter telling me to be ready for my audition in South Wales in early January - I will be the first. Whoo-Hoo!!!! Finally!!!! I didn't phone Jayne over the Christmas period but thought I would ring in early New Year... No need. In early January I received this:

Dear Tony, re: JUDAS PRIEST

I am very sorry to have to inform you that we will not be holding any auditions for the position of vocalist for Judas Priest as the band have found their man. We had always intended to audition as I told you, but this singer came totally out of the blue and is everything the band were looking for, so they do not feel the need to try anyone else out. The band send their apologies and thank you for being so patient. They know its no consolation, but they would like you to know that out of thousands of applicants we received, your vocal abilities stood out and you were amongst the final ten who they felt had something special. Once again, we are very sorry about this, but wish you luck for the future.

P.S. You should be very proud of your achievement. Please keep this letter for your future references.

"GUTTED!!!!! I later joined Praying Mantis and the first album I recorded with them was produced by Chris Tsangarides (PAINKILLER). He's a brilliant guy and I 'learned' a lot from him!
"I went to see Judas Priest with Ripper in Wolverhampton. I cheekily paged Jayne Andrews from the box office to see if I could have a couple of passes for my wife and I. (After all, I felt that wouldn't be unreasonable after the Judas Priest roller coaster ride I had been on.) Jayne appeared and after reminding her who I was, she managed to produce two tickets for the show. No passes, as a lot of the band's families were there that night. Ripper was outstanding. Vocally he's one of the best metal singers I've seen live. I spoke to Jayne after the show and said that they definitely had the right guy. She was very kind and spent 5-10 minutes talking with my wife and I.
"My final opinion: I still wish that I would have been given my chance. The management could have handled things much better. However, in all honesty I don't think I could have bettered Tim Owens and I can understand why, when the band heard him, they hired him immediately. I am still a huge Priest fan-old and new."

- Tony O' Hara, 2003

"The song 'Over The Edge' from the Horakane album ETERNAL INFINITY is very Priesty. Funnily enough, that was on the first demo that I gave Tino and it didn't sound too dissimilar; it sounded pretty much the same. But for example, we were talking about arrangements and how Ivan helped - you know where the vocal comes in and the track stops - well it used to just pound all the way through. He said, 'Look, because it is such a heavy vocal why don't we just stop everything there and have it like question and answer with the guitar?' And you hear it right away which I quite like but it does sound very Rob Halford. But that song was written really, really, quick because when I first meet Ivan a couple of years back, he said, 'Can you send me some stuff?' And when he got it he said, 'Oh, I didn't realize how light-weight it was. Some of it reminds me of Winger. Can you send me something heavier?' I went upstairs, and it was at the time I was still in the running for the auditions for Judas Priest, and I sort of knocked that track out and I thought I want something to be very Priesty. I was trying to think of something like 'Freewheel Burning' or some thing like that. So that was deliberate - it was supposed to sound Priestish."

- Tony O' Hara, April 2, 1999

Tony Mills (Shy, Siam)

Tony O'Hara (above) says he remembers Tony Mills' name appearing in Kerrang! as a candidate for Priest and Tony's name was also mentioned in a 1993 Swedish magazine (Bravo or OKEJ) News section and then never again, so it's doubtful he made the short-list.

Devin Townsend (Strapping Young Lad)
http://www.metal-archives.com/artists/D ... wnsend/631

The talented singer/guitarist that heads Strapping Young Lad and his own self-named band had sang on a Judas Priest tribute album that Glenn Tipton helped sanction. Liking the voice he heard, Glenn added Devin to his short-list to audition, but sources say Devin turned the offer down due to the fact that he was much younger then the rest of the band (by a 30 year gap) and because he was a well-rounded guitarist, which would not fit into a band already made legendary with their "twin-guitar attack".

"Gosh, this is my whole viewpoint on the whole thing, and as much as this is makes me sound like a dick, I don't really care too much about it. I mean, they gave me a call and said, 'Hey, we know about you, blah blah blah, we want to fly you out so you can audition', right? My biggest thing is, when I was a kid, we're talking about ten or thirteen years old or whatever, I mean, Judas Priest was my favourite band at the time, and you know, UNLEASHED IN THE EAST I thought was amazing and blah blah blah and K.K. Downing had cool hair and the whole works...
"When I got a chance to start doing it, it's like, I think, any artist likes to hear themselves playing songs they really liked when they were a kid, and so I kept on doing all these Priest covers... No-one would want to see Devin Townsend singing for Judas Priest, I mean its ridiculous. Whoever gets that gig is going to look like a fool, you know what I mean? Ripper Owens or whatever the guy's name is, I mean, I wish him luck and I'm sure he's a good singer but... God, I don't know if Judas Priest are like, prepared to take over the youth of today with a new metal onslaught; their demographic is going to be based around people from 25 to 40 years old you know, and they're not gonna give a shit about some kid coming in and singing, and I wouldn't go into Judas Priest trying to be Rob Halford. I'd go in there doing what I do and it would look ridiculous, you know. I also figure, it's like the whole... I'd have way more respect for those guys as musicians if they...
"As much as I thought Fight sucked, at least Rob Halford was doing something that was not sort of trodding on the same horse, you know. It sort of struck me as at least he was trying to be something different. And the whole idea of Motley Crüe coming back together and Kiss, although I went and saw the concert and it was pretty good...it sort of strikes me as sort of being more of a cash grab than a legitimate 'they've got something to say'..."

- Devin Townson, 3RRR FM Hard Report, April 1997

"The synth guitar tone approach on the album INFINITY all happened because I listened to Judas Priest a bit too much when I was a kid, when they were making little synthy guitar tracks..."

- Devin Townson, Beat Magazine February 10, 1999

"Devin was a strong contender although he wouldn't have dealt with some of the older stuff too well. He has a great voice and lots of enthusiasm."

- Glenn Tipton, Hard Radio, 1997

Matthew T. McCourt (Wild Dogs, Dr. Mastermind, Evil Genius, Mayhem, The Ravers)
http://www.metal-archives.com/artists/M ... ourt/51216

In 1993, Matt used the Wild Dogs demo containing "The Vulture" and "Rank And File" to audition for Judas Priest on a referral from drummer Deen Castronovo (Ozzy, Bad English, Journey). Priest sent the tapes back along with a frameable rejection letter!

"I really did make a good stab at joining Judas Priest, although the vocal range is way out of my league. They even sent all my stuff back - tapes, photos, etc. - very nice. They said they weren't going to continue with the band. Then they found Ripper - he's great! He performed after the Judas Priest concert here in Portland with a Priest tribute band, called British Steel. Jay Reynolds of Malice plays for them. I think he is fucking awesome! I also like Rob and Fight. Actually, I go way back with Priest and saw them for the first time when they were third on a bill with Mahogany Rush as headliners."

- Matthew T. McCourt, Snakepit #7, 2000

Sebastian Bach (Skid Row)
http://www.metal-archives.com/artists/S ... Bach/26770

"Judas Priest wanted me to try out, but I didn't find out about it until after Doc McGhee, my manager at the time, told them no. He told them that there was no way I could try out for them, and then he told me that. They asked Doc and he killed it before I even knew about it. I didn't even know about any of it. He said, 'I told them no'. I was like, 'Thanks...' That was that. That was like '96 I think... I was finally kicked out of Skid Row in December '96. It was like right around that time.
"I would've tried out, yeah. I definitely would've. It's one of my favorite bands and Skid Row was doing nothing so... Yeah. All I know is that I would've definitely tried out. I would've gotten on the plane and gone over there. Actually, Priest's manager, Bill Curbishley, called my house after I found out about this, about Doc telling them no. I said to Doc, 'Give me the guy's number'. So I called him up and he said, 'Well yeah, at one point the band really wanted to talk to you and have you try out for the band, but Doc said no'. So they got the Ripper guy in there and so that was that. That's all I can say about that."

- Sebastian Bach, Spitfire, 2001

Jeff Martin (Surgical Steel, Racer X, Badlands, MSG)

Jeff Martin never auditioned for the spot in Priest, but he did find out through friends that he was considered by the band as a possibility. Jeff has been close to the band in the past and he has a very good Halford-like voice. Jeff is also an accomplished drummer, having recorded and toured with Badlands and MSG among others.

Jeff's first band, the early-mid '80s Phoenix, Arizona metal outfit Surgical Steel, cut a demo tape that featured Rob Halford singing duet with Jeff on the song "Smooth And Fast". Jeff also contributed vocals to the chorus of "Wild Nights, Hot & Crazy Days" and wrote a verse to "Private Property" on the TURBO album. Rob also gave Jeff's band Racer X (which includes Judas Priest drummer Scott Travis) his blessing to record the unreleased Priest song "Heart Of A Lion".

John West (Royal Hunt, Artension, Badlands, Lynch Mob)

It is unclear whether or not John ever applied for the job in Judas Priest, but he did apply to Iron Maiden and was searching for a good metal band to record and tour with. Eventually, he did get recognized by Glenn Tipton, who considered John's voice for the work Glenn was doing with drummer Cozy Powell. There was even a Japanese deal in the works to put together a band featuring Tipton, Powell, West and bassist Neil Murray (see the story here), but it never materialized once Priest returned to power.

"I along with the band listened to everyone of the tapes that were sent in and I also wrote to everyone of the applicants!! No-one was invited to any audition - we never set up any - we always planned to but the band still were not convinced they had found the right guy - some great vocalists but not for Judas Priest - until we heard Ripper - then we knew he was the one, so no auditions were needed!"

- Jayne Andrews, Management Co-ordinator, August 18, 2003

"There sure as hell was a point where we felt we might not find a suitable vocalist. What if he had the ideal voice but he looked strange? We can’t just get someone who looks great either, so we were sweating."

- K.K. Downing, Illiterature.com, 1997

Ski (Deadly Blessing, Faith factor)

Ski has been said to possess a mixture of King Diamond, Michael Sweet (Stryper), and Dan Beehler (Exciter) in his vocal abilities. He applied for the vocalist spot in Priest twice, sending pictures, recordings and videos when they first began looking for candidates to audition and once again after Glenn Tipton had released his solo album BAPTIZM OF FIRE. Both times Ski only received the standard "Thanks, but no thanks" letter...

The following names have also been mentioned in various publications as being candidates:
Warrel Dane of Nevermore
Andy Pyke of Marshall Law
Matthew Barlow of Iced Earth
Ray Alder of Fates Warning
Chuck Billy of Testament
Panos Deddes of Casus Belli
David DeFreis of Virgin Steele
King Diamond of Merciful Fate
Hansi Kürsch of Blind Guardian
Rolf Kasparak of Running Wild

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