\m/ 80's metal \m/

Acid (Germ) - 1989 - Don't Lose Your Dreams (vinyl rip 16/44)
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Author:  Vitaly65 [ 29 Oct 2015 ]
Post subject:  Re: Acid (Germ) - 1989 - Don't Lose Your Dreams (vinyl rip 16/44)

Ну Лёнь, не горячись ты так! :benya: Мы же все знаем, что каждый мнит себя профи в звуке, Ревичи там, и ему подобные. :benya:
Но самый профессиональный профессионал у нас - это Сергей Attax. :pardon:
Правда, он ни одной своей чифири не выложил, но критикует профессионально! :benya:
Андрон Сусаныч тоже ещё тот. Профессионал! Тоже мастерски владеет искусством троллинга. :benya: :benya: :benya:
Да и я бы мог лучше делать, дороже картриджи покупать, дороже провода и разъёмы, дороже звуковухи, дороже лампадные фонокорректоры. Но сил уже на это нет, есть-как-есть. :benya:

Author:  komik363 [ 30 Oct 2015 ]
Post subject:  Re: Acid (Germ) - 1989 - Don't Lose Your Dreams (vinyl rip 16/44)

Hi - it's my own LP from year released - it's too long now... :smile:
and HW? - I don't know now, but I can ask my friend - he works at audio-video atelier ... :smile:
Do not worry, they are doing good things... :smile:

All these so-called audio-video professionals who 'do good things' do a fucking horrible job. Your friend is no exception. I'm yet to see the official CD pressing which was recorded from vinyl source that sounds reasonable. You get Witcfynde - Cloak & Dagger official, Exciter - Heavy Metal Maniac, Sacrilege - Realms Of Madness, Helstar - Burning Star and Remnants Of War that sound like shit as a result. I'd rather have someone who's a not professional but hobbiest like Vitaly do the transfer than all those professional losers sitting in studios.

Sorry, but I think that you don't know what you say. And about propriety you know nothing. Insult yourself and not someone you know. Thank you. :(

Author:  Vitaly65 [ 30 Oct 2015 ]
Post subject:  Re: Acid (Germ) - 1989 - Don't Lose Your Dreams (vinyl rip 16/44)

Друзья, предлагаю мир!!! :benya: Оно того не стоит, что б ссориться по пустякам. :benya:

Author:  metaleonid [ 30 Oct 2015 ]
Post subject:  Re: Acid (Germ) - 1989 - Don't Lose Your Dreams (vinyl rip 16/44)

Sorry if I weren't clear. I didn't insult your friend cause at least he didn't try to make the official CD out of his poor transfer. But did he do a good job? Not really. Otherwise there wouldn't be any near center distortions. Did I insult the losers who did poor transfers and made the official CDs out of them (like Metal Mind, MetalCore, RoadRunner, Old Metal Records). Yes, I did.

Author:  komik363 [ 16 Dec 2015 ]
Post subject:  Re: Acid (Germ) - 1989 - Don't Lose Your Dreams (vinyl rip 16/44)

all scans 300 dpi



Author:  Люций Феров [ 16 Dec 2015 ]
Post subject:  Re: Acid (Germ) - 1989 - Don't Lose Your Dreams (vinyl rip 16/44)

Спасибо всем! :thanx:

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